School For Managers: Advanced Program


Effective managing is an ongoing process, and the best managers recognize that training is necessary in order to utilize the innovations in management that are constantly being made. Our Advanced School For Managers is designed for the more seasoned manager and those who have previously attended our School For Managers who would like to move beyond their present skill level.

This intensive program picks up where other training programs stop. It takes advantage of the newest developments in management training and combines hands-on training techniques with special diagnostic tools, self-evaluation, in-class exercises, and immediate feedback.

It offers heavy emphasis on the team process. Participants will work in teams and will be challenged to apply what they have and will learn in each session to build the “model” organization. Additionally, DVD’s, case studies, small and large group discussions, and e-mail support will be utilized to maintain this fast paced and content rich program.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn essential management skills, from team-building to goal setting.
  • Complete supervisory style surveys to determine what kind of leader you are.


  • Learn about your leadership and leadership styles through assessment and group work.
  • Understand who works best with which style of leadership and communication
  • Develop motivation and communication skills that support your role.
  • Capitalize on organizational change to achieve more.
  • Learn the value of conflict and how to turn it into a positive force.
  • Learn how to gain the confidence and skill to resolve conflicts to the mutual satisfaction of all parties
  • Provide and accept constructive criticism without offending.
  • Participate in individual and group team-building skills assessments.
  • Develop communication skills to better understand the viewpoints of other team members.
  • Define the role of leaders and others in the team for increased effectiveness.
  • Understand team dynamics by looking at attitudes and behavior.
  • Learn how to redirect unproductive competition into cooperation.
  • Develop a work-plan to improve the team's performance.
  • Practice, role-play, problem-solve, and discuss.
  • Translate what you learn into action.

Who Should Attend

  • Experienced managers with no less than 18 months experience that includes supervisors up to executives, or anyone currently in a leadership position.

Outline (Open Details)

Effectively Using Communication to Influence & Ensure Cooperation Leadership/Communication Styles

  • Discover leadership and communication differences that will work for you.
  • Recognize the four styles and learn how to communicate and influence with greater effectiveness.
  • Identify your personality style and learning to effectively emphasize your positive traits.
  • Identify and maximizing the positive traits of your employees and key personnel.
  • Take your lead from your employees and getting them to lead each other.
  • Develop strategies to enhance listening through understanding non-verbal signals.
  • Create an action plan to further develop your communication and leadership skills.
  • Translate what you learn into action.

Understanding Your Supervision Techniques & Successfully Handing Off Projects

  • Improve performance through empowerment & effective delegation.
  • Understand the three values of effective coaches: people, productivity and profitability.
  • Manage commitment & ownership” to get results through collaboration.
  • Project self-confidence without being aggressive.
  • Translate what you learn into action.

Conducting an Effective Performance Review with Confidence

  • Understand a performance appraisal system and its various components.
  • Understand the benefits of goal-oriented, two-way performance appraisal meetings.
  • Identify the goals and benefits of an effective performance management system.
  • Use the appraisal meeting to effectively measure past performance and create future goals.
  • Define communication behaviors that result in effective, motivating performance appraisal meetings.
  • Translate what you learn into action.

Offering Constructive Feedback

  • Provide feedback with greater employee commitment.
  • Gate and redirect conversations to stay on track & ensure success.
  • Develop giving and receiving feedback and those specific skills.
  • Develop support to practice your approach & further enhance your skills.
  • Translate what you learn into action.

Resolving Situations Before Conflict is a Problem

  • Resolve no less than 60% of internal conflicts.
  • Deal proactively with conflict.
  • Develop giving and receiving feedback and those specific skills.
  • Learn the five primary methods for reaching a successful resolution.
  • Modify your approach to negotiate positive outcomes.
  • Describe situations to others & apply your skills.
  • Translate what you learn into action.

Advanced Time Management

  • Evaluate, re-organize and better manage time more advatageously than ever before.
  • Manage multiple tasks while staying organized to accomplish your primary goals & objectives.
  • Measuring your effectiveness & identifying time wasters like never before.
  • Stop procrastination painlessly with the help of others.
  • Re-think your time as you identify your highest pay-off activities & delegation opportunities.
  • Develop To-Do lists that really work, set realistic priorities, delegate tasks; and turn daily dead time into productive activity.
  • Translate what you learn into action.

Other program segments available (Open Details)

These program segments are commonly substituted by our clients for our Advanced School for Managers are as follows:

Advanced Conflict/Change Management

  • Understand the strengths/weaknesses of your style of handling conflicts.
  • Engage in on-the-job conflict simulations.
  • Utilize conflicts creatively to bring problems to the surface, resolve them to the mutual satisfaction of all involved, and even gain an advantage.
  • Understand different behavioral methods for handling conflict.
  • Recognize the responses to change in yourself and others.
  • Understand your organization and how it responds to change.
  • Leave with the necessary skills to successfully carry your staff through the next change that occurs in your work place.
  • Support employees as they deal with the stress and conflicts that change often brings.
  • Communicate to empower, build teamwork, and leadership participation.
  • Translate what you learn into action.

Advanced Team Building

  • Understand the task-oriented model of team building.
  • Participate in individual and group team-building skills assessments.
  • Develop communication skills to better understand the viewpoints of other team members.
  • Define the role of leaders and others in the team for increased effectiveness.
  • Understand team dynamics by looking at attitudes and behavior.
  • Practice group problem-solving exercises.
  • Develop a work-plan to improve the team's performance.
  • Translate what you learn into action.